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Interview with Marc Bernegger: Start-Up Founder and Fintech Investor

Founder Marc P. Bernegger, in 2010 named the SwissICT „Newcomer of the year“ is founder of (bought from Axel Springer in 2008) and amiando (bought from XING in 2010). Red in the Interview how the jurist and investor sees the Swiss Fintech branch and what he focuses on investing.


Herr Bernegger, were you after your studies busy in the start-up area o as a jurist?

I have already with 19, as I was studying worked on my first company I continued my studies although was a success and interned in an attorney’s office. I realized during my internship that becoming a lawyer isn’t my world. After I founded another company called amiando in Munich.

What was the moment you realized you want to invest in start-up’s?

This decision came late. First I worked four years for amiando in Munich. In 2010 we sold amiando to Xing and I had to find a new passion because I didn’t want to found another company and my ideas were bad. Furthermore founding a company takes risks and I wanted to invest in several ideas instead of working only on one project. These are the reasons I started investing in companies and used my knowledge to help others.

You founded and amiando, which were bought from Xing and Axel Springer. How did the deals take place?

At we profited that the publishing houses missed the internet development. Furthermore they had a lack of young customers and wanted to reach them.

Amiando had always the contact to Xing, because they were our largest customer. All events took place over our platform and Xing wanted to invest in new business areas at that time. They searched for acquisition partners and bought us. Both companies are still working as they did before what is very important for a sustainable business concept.

Are you at the moment only in the Fintech area?

For business matters I am only looking at the Fintech area. Private I am looking at several business ideas. At the moment I am looking deeply at the space travel and their technology.

Do you consider Switzerland as a future start-up market not only in the Fintech sector or do you believe that the start-up’s in Switzerland will have to move to other locations to remain successful?  

That really depends on the start-up. I am involved at Greater Zurich Area and heavily interested that many start-up’s come to Switzerland. Not only business from abroad should come zo Zürich also businesses from Switzerland to continue their business development. But we all know Zürich is very expensive and therefore I believe a further decentralization will take place.

Switzerland has good basic conditions to found a business. We profit from the easy founding process and the tax law. Furthermore you find capital and know-how. What is missed is the think big idea, especially in the internet area where you have to believe to change the world.

At what point do you invest in a company?

At the point where you can grow faster with additional funds. As long as one progresses with its own resources, it takes basically no external funding.

What topics are currently of particular interest?

My main focus is still Fintech. Personally, I look as I mentioned before into the space business, but also virtual/augmented reality.

What do you think about robotic and its future?

What development takes place at what time I don’t really know. Innovations with impact are coming. Good examples are disruptive technologies like Uber and Airbnb. Fintech is revolutionizing the value chain of an industry.

Do you believe many jobs will fall and be replaced by robots?

I believe, that some jobs will be replaced and there will be new jobs, because with the changes new jobs will be created.

In which professional models – across industries – do you see the future? Will the “good old craftsman” be necessary to build even a small house – keyword “3D printers” – or do we “only” need the best resources for the coordination?

I believe that the craftsman is becoming more important. But also in production, we can benefit in Europe, because less needs to be produced in China.

How do you this in journalism?

I see this more pragmatic, because, for example, sports results can probably be very well summarized by a computer. As long as the result is better, I do not see why a person is imperative. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will revolutionize a lot.

What is for you the best workers of the future?

I think that the workers will be increasingly active between freelancers and entrepreneurial activity. This is certainly positive for the personal fulfilment. People will then no longer enjoy the same security as before and will become themselves more committed.

You are often in Silicon Valley. Are you there to search for potential start-ups?

In the US, I have no investments, because it’s too far away. I always want my investments within a certain radius, so that I can visit them. Silicon Valley is always very interesting, because there are many start-up’s leading in certain areas. , are established in their field leader. This allows you to bring the latest developments and ideas to Europe

I have seen that you are in the board of FinLeap. What does this company produce exactly?

FinLeap is a specialised in the financial services industry. I support the company on several areas and visit frequently Berlin.

Can you give founders some tips? Give us your three most important tips?

Only do what is your passion!

Everything goes longer then you expect. You need passion and endurance.

Don’t go for the money in the first place.

What is for you a good idea?

The idea needs a customer value and you have to earn money.

What is a good start-up for you?

A good idea with a good team at the right time. Idea means you need a value.

Would you support the idea that every person can develop a good idea and if so, you have tips for brainstorming?

I don’t believe that. One does not have to study entrepreneurship to become an entrepreneur. Central is to find your passion and develop something has a value to others.

Your favourite slogan?

“The Future belongs to those who recognise opportunities before they become obvious” Oscar Wilde.

Thank You!


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